POW! WOW! Daily episode 2, ft. Nils Westergard

Posted by Bowie van Loon , 7 september 2021

Every day during the POW! WOW! WEEK, Rauwkost Collective offers you a behind-the-scenes look at POW! WOW! Rotterdam. In our daily news ‘POW! WOW! Daily’ the atmosphere is captured in Feijenoord, while the artists are busy with their murals.

Nils Westergard is from Richmond, Virginia, but lives and works in Amsterdam. This week he is making a mural at POW! WOW! Rotterdam. In the second episode of POW! WOW! Daily he tells how he got his inspiration from a lyric by Aesop Rock and how turbulent last year was for him. You’ll also see footage from the Q&A with Pappas Pärlor and from the first bike tour of the murals.

Keep an eye on our Instagram channel! Every day we will announce the program of that night!