Check out the Spraakuhloos spoken word series made in the light of these mural paintings

Posted by Jaap van der Doelen , 23 november 2020

Spraakuhloos has offered a (traveling) platform for artists to work in a multitude of art forms for many years. Self expression, connection and inspiration are key to what they do. For their latest project the organization, which has its roots in Rotterdam, collaborated with POW! WOW! Rotterdam, and we’re pretty proud of that.

Spoken word artists MCJR, Chery Salinas, Geoffrey, Amara van der Elst, Tomáš de Paauw, Daniëlle Zawadi, Patrick Ribeiro & Tyler Koudijzer (Barguijs), Azula and Ivan Words all wrote poetry inspired by nine of the murals created during POW! WOW! Rotterdam in September. The beautiful video series featuring all their performances is available for your viewing as of right now.

From the booming liftoff to the call to keep building, and all inspring messages in between; they can all be streamed right here, or on Vimeo and Instagram te bekijken. Most poetry is in Dutch, but we think the cadence, feeling and imagery has the power to transcend many borders.