‘I AM EELCO’ Cancellation

Posted by Jaap van der Doelen , 9 september 2018

With regret, we are forced to announce the cancellation of I AM EELCO’s participation in POW! WOW! Rotterdam.

I AM EELCO was, like the other mural artists, notified of which wall he would be painting on back in July, and decided to have a look at it last Friday. In his opinion the wall was unfit for his art, and he refused to paint it. With only days to go until the festival, this was a heavy organizational setback to us, but seeing how he is an immensely talented artist, we were keen to keep him on board.

Unfortunately, Eelco refused to discuss anything further with us, without a guarantee from us that we would offer him a different wall to paint on. It was simply not feasible to give him this guarantee on such short notice. With only a few more days to go, it left us no choice but to assign a different artist to the wall he had refused to paint.

Much to our surprise, Eelco has an entirely different recollection of these events, as evidenced by his recent comments on social media. We do not recognize the course of events he describes and obviously can no longer offer him an alternative spot on our festival, but wish him all the best in his future endeavors.