POW! WOW! Daily episode 5, ft. Ola Kalnins, Engin Dogan, Roids & Andre HZS

Posted by Bowie van Loon , 10 september 2021

Everyday this week, Rauwkost Collective offers you a behind-the-scenes look at POW WOW! Rotterdam. In our daily journal ‘POW! WOW! Daily’ we capture the atmosphere in Feijenoord, while the artists are busy with their murals.

In the latest episode of POW! WOW! Daily we take a look at Skateland. Four artists are at work on the property, creating an international mishmash of styles, lines and techniques. Ola Kalnins from Sweden, Andre HZS from the Netherlands, Roids from the United Kingdom and Engin Dogan from Germany stand side by side on the sky lifts. In between joking around, they also work on beautiful art. They’re trying to figure they try to make their works fit together. And while they were trying to do that, we put them through their paces.

In the evening, Eddie Contento of Rauwkost Collective also visited De Jongens Van Hiernaast, who gave a masterclass in making lemonade and read from their own work in the Hefpark. Spoken word at POW! WOW! Rotterdam? Yes, sure. But while squeezing lemons into fuel, that is.