In the seventh episode of POW! WOW!
Daily we visit Vandals On Holidays, who took all week in Hefpark to
transform the giant Skateland truck. His typical and cheerful but
still hardcore style comes out perfectly on that big canvas as well.
He feels it’s important to represent graffiti substantially during
POW! WOW! Rotterdam and everywhere. He states that illegal graffiti
should not necessarily be seen as such: “You don’t break
anything, you don’t hurt anyone and it’s not gangster. You just make
something beautiful.” We can’t do nothing but agree with
In addition, we see previews of the completed murals at
Skateland, and that Ox-Alien has been even busier this week than just
painting his biggest wall ever. And also, cameraman Eddie Contento
stopped by the BMX track at Hefpark, where the dumbriders gave a sick
demo. What a vibe, and then the last day was yet to begin!